Conferencistas Invitados


Jorge Pereira Gude

Ph.D. Ingeniería Industrial

Profesor Asociado,
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez


Rodrigo Martinez


Chief Technology Officer,
CAP Minería


Daniel Espinoza

Ph.D. in Operations Research

Senior Developer,
Gurobi Optimization


Esteban Szmulewicz

Master of London School of Economics and Political Science

Escuela de Derecho UCN

Presentaciones de Investigación

Posters de Investigación

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Best cards

Blue Card

What all of these have in common is that they're pulling information out of the app or the service and making it relevant to the moment.

Best cards

Green Card

What all of these have in common is that they're pulling information out of the app or the service and making it relevant to the moment.

Best cards

Yellow Card

What all of these have in common is that they're pulling information out of the app or the service and making it relevant to the moment.